Figured Rosewood and Bone Cane
Figured Rosewood and Bone Cane
This heirloom quality cane is handcrafted from top-shelf materials, and its one of my favorite canes of late. The wood is a very rare rosewood species from S. E. Asia, the scientific name of the species is its most common name: Dalbergia Oliveri. But these pieces of rosewood are also figured examples with swirly grain, chatoyance, ripples in the handle, and birdseye figure - really special stuff with a lot going on. Its also worth mentioning, that as nice as this wood looks in the photographs, its much nicer looking in person where its shimmer and chatoyance can be seen. The dividers are copper and ancient bone excavated from Siberia! These pieces of bone are from the last ice age, at least 10,000 years old. Likely leg bone from the extinct woolly mammoth, so its fair to say that these leg bone’s days of walking aren’t over yet. This piece is not among my heaviest canes, but its heavy, could be used by anyone, but users of smaller stature may tire. Total length measures 38" and can be shortened to fit.
Handle – Dalbergia Oliveri from Vietnam
Divider – Copper and Woolly Mammoth Bone
Shaft – Dalbergia Oliveri from Vietnam
Rubber tip