Bog Oak and Kauri Bird Cane

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Bog Oak and Kauri Bird Cane


An exhibition quality cane with handsome woods grains, lovely chatoyance, and a story to tell! Both the handle and shaft are "sinker woods" and are ancient, the bog oak being 5-7,000 years old, and the Kauri being the oldest workable sinker wood in the world at 40,000 years old! Sinker wood starts with a typical life span but when the tree dies and falls it is covered in peat moss or falls into a bog, both of which create an oxygen deprived environment that perfectly preserves the wood. Ancient Kauri is from Northern New Zealand, and the bog oak came from Ukraine. History in your hands! The divider is brass and a centerpiece of muskox horn from Alaska. Cane has a lighter weight, could be used for long walks comfortably by anyone, good daily use piece. Ancient woods are not fragile because they are ancient, they work and behave just like regular wood because it has been so well preserved. Total length measures 38" and can be shortened to fit.


Handle – Old growth redwood from California
Divider – Brass and Tasmanian Blackwood
Shaft – Ancient Kauri wood from New Zealand
Rubber Tip

Every Gillis Cane is a photographed original, you’ll always receive the exact cane in the images.

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