Ancient Red Gum, Oak, and Horse Bone Cane
Ancient Red Gum, Oak, and Horse Bone Cane
This special piece offers three ancient materials from different places in the world all in one cane. The handle is ancient Red Gum, It spend several thousand years buried in a bog slowly getting stained darker and darker by mineral exposure but deprived of oxygen thus preventing decay. It's highly figured, some of the most figured ancient material I've ever acquired. The shaft has a similar story as the red gum, but its oak wood from Ukraine, also several thousand years old. A divider is leg bone from an extinct ice age horse species excavated from the Siberian permafrost, a little details that adds another story and more rich history to the cane; this little bit of bone is at least 10,000 years old. The pins are titanium for a more subdued looking metallic element. Total length measures 38" and can be shortened to fit.
Handle – Curl figured Ancient Red Gum from Australia
Divide - Leg bone from an extinct ice age horse species, excavated from Siberian permafrost
Shaft – Ancient Bog Oak from Ukraine
Rubber tip
Every Gillis Cane is a photographed original, you’ll always receive the exact cane in the images.